Lets Talk About Falls
We have all heard the phrase “prevention is better than cure”. Nothing can be more true when it comes to fall. Anyone can have a fall – from young kids to the elderly. It’s just how we fall and how we recover.
Falls can be lifechanging. I have seen many patients in hospital as a result of a fall. Often feeling completely shocked and perplexed how it happened, how can one moment leave you stuck in a hospital bed with a broken hip, a fractured arm or a head gash.
Common reasons for a fall included:
“I missed the step”
“My leg gave way”
“The dog ran under my legs”
“I turned and lost my balance”
“My slippers are slippery on the floor”
The most common place to have a fall is actually the bathroom. Reason why … it’s wet! Unfortunately, the tiled surfaces of a bathroom are not very forgiving. This can result in an awful fall and sometimes hospital admissions. We can help prevent a fall. We have strategies, access to equipment and ideas how we can reduce your falls risk in the bathroom (and the rest of the house).
Everyone’s home is different therefore one size definitely does not fit all – that is the advantage of a well-trained experienced occupational therapist to assess and implement ideas to make your home safer. Let us help you.